Friday, January 15, 2010

Aside from reading up on the Haiti disaster, I'm also thinking of doing this:

Moving My Money

Actually, I've been pretty happy with Chaseroo. One thing I like is that they're national, so anywhere I go I can find a Chase ATM. I also like the free checking and no fees going on. But alas. Mr. JP has also been responsible for the current financial crisis which has left so many without jobs. I don't like endorsing businesses that treat people that way. So I'm looking into it...

Tonight I'm baking oatmeal cookies. I've had a bag of oats that's sat near the cupboard long enough, so tonight I'm taking matters into my own hands. However I'm not sure how they'll turn out. I got the idea to add some red pepper (a la Hot Cookie's chocolate-caliente cookie) but may have added too much.. So we'll see. They're baking now. Actually, I might have added too much liquid too (in the form of maple syrup and soy milk). Because basically I got a pan of flattened oats-mix. So hopefully the baking will take care of that.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing peeps this weekend :)

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