Friday, April 29, 2011

ugh. this is exhausting

Chewing f'ing sucks! It's so much work! Takes too long! Ineffectual!

Finished dinner. Gotta go clean the beejeebees outta my teeth and put the restrainers back in.

Give me a good minute. Don't hold your breath.

Ok. So. The consensus is these things are a big pain in the butt 3x a day. I am considering changing to 2 meals a day. Maybe 1. They're just really hard to get off. It feels like you're pulling your teeth out. The orthodontist said that's normal. I'm just saying... pulling your teeth out 3x a day doesn't feel normal to me. Besides the pulling your teeth out, there's the awkward, slow, ineffectual, sometimes painful chewing experience. Meals are getting to be too weird to be pleasant, even with softer foods. I'm ok with skipping a meal. I'm sure I'll eat more (heh, try to) at the other two. I'm also looking into the whole blended soup route. As in, I am going to make everything I eat a blended soup so that I don't have to chew it. Too bad we don't have a blender right now, only a food processor. That'll probably work but once I mixed bananas and there were still some mushy chunks.

Anyway, then after you eat you gotta do the whole floss, brush teeth, floss, brush teeth rigamoral again. And you wash the aligners each time. All that I don't mind as much as the weirdness/tightness getting them off (because it is real work, they don't just slip off, they're clawed to your teeth) and the chewing. But anyways. Sorry I'm so complainy.

This is really a new experience. I wonder if other deep overbiters who get braces go through this.


Crazy said...

you are the best spokesperson for invisalign. i'm going the braces route if i ever have to straighten my teeth.

carolyn said...

the benefit of invisalign for me still out weighs the downside ~

invisalign: cheaper, can floss easily and fast (cuz just take them off)

braces: more expensive, scratches cheeks usually, flossing/cleaning more of an issue

both: chewing probs ~ just what I gotta suffer through cuz of button placement (or braces) and my deep overbite :(