Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Watched the Enron documentary last night. It was incredibly interesting, disturbing, and well done. For some reason I just thought the story of Enron was about top executives making off with the retirements of their workers. I had no idea it was also about a sham company, playing the stock market, stealing from California, causing the rolling blackouts in California, ties to the Bush admin and Schwarzenegger, and utter, despicable greed. No wonder people don't trust Wall Street. The story of Enron is like the story of a bunch of criminals who only worked to figure out how to make millions -- even BILLIONS -- ANY WAY possible. Boy that movie got my blood boiling. I think watching a documentary is more educational than trying to glean the story from the news. Recommend. I think it's called something like ~ Smartest kids in the room; the Story of Enron.

And what a total SHAM company. They never made any money, they kept losing it and lying to Wall Street and tricking everyone to inflate their stock.

I feel sorry for the honest workers in the company that Enron bought, who lost their life savings. And all the damage they caused with deregulating our power and causing all those rolling blackouts here.

And of course I'm pissed at all those Enron traders who acted like bullies to us, cutting off our power and stealing billions.


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